Hello everyone!! Welcome back to the "Two Minute Drill". I apologize for not updating at all last week. I was seriously burned out from the "Wrestlemania" saga. I honestly didnt think I was going to finish it on time. But I went into over drive the last few days and made sure I met my deadline. I said I would do "Wrestlemania 22" to finish the series off and I'm going to do that today. I'll have a regular update for you, hopefully tomorrow. So lets get to it!

Allstate Arena, Chicago, Ill
April 2, 2006
This years edition of Wrestlemania was billed as going "Big Time". The event would return to Chicago for the third time in its history. Only SoCal (Anahiem and L.A. have hosted Wrestlemania a combined 5 times) and New York had hosted the event as many times.
There was lots of "Big Time" moments in this event. There was Mick Foley and Edge fighting a "Hardcore Match" that ended with both men going through a flaming table and Edge scoring the victory.

There was a Street Fight between Shawn Michaels and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon that saw McMahon destroyed by Michaels.

And a ladder match that featured several breath taking moves and saw Rob Van Dam victorious.

At the top of the card were two "Big Time" title matches each one delivered a unique experience.
First up the WWE World Heavyweight Championship would be on the line with champion Kurt Angle defending against Rey Mysterio and the cocky Randy Orton. Orton's father, "Cowboy" Bob Orton was involved in Wrestlemania's very first main event and Randy would finally get to main event a Wrestlemania 21 years later.
The match got off to a bang as Orton attacked Angle before the ell rang. His early advantage however would soon be negated as Angle fired back with some high impact slams and suplexes. At one point Angle hit a jaw dropping "double" german suplex on both Mysterio and Orton that would send Mysterio halfway across the ring!!

Angle at one point made both Mysterio and Orton tap out to his "angle lock" but, the referee didnt see any of it as he was distracted both times.

Finally Angle hit Orton with his "Angle Slam" and was ready to put away Mysterio with it, but it was not to be. Mysterio reversed it into an armbar and sent the champion flying out of the ring. He then hit set up Orton for the "619"

It was followed up with a hurracarana pin and scored the victory!!

It’s something many said Mysterio could never do. But Rey Mysterio is the World Heavyweight Champion. Afterwards, Mysterio was joined by Vicki and Chavo Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero's widow and nephew. The three of them celebrated Mysterio's victory.

The second championship bout of the night was controversial from the get go. For weeks, fans had been turning on "good guy" WWE Champ John Cena. Where once there were cheers and support, there were boos and obscenities shouted his way. At Wrestlemania, Cena would defend his title against Triple H who was supposed to be the "heel" going into this match.
Instead Triple H was cheered loudly when he entered the arena and fans made it known who they stood behind.
The match got underway and Triple H seemed to be toying with the champion. He would push him around, sidestep his every move. Just making a joke out of him. It was if he was just going through the motions and not taking the match seriously.
Finally Cena was able to connect on offense and the match really got going. The two men went back and forth and at times it seemed that Triple H was dominating the champion.

But Cena would not quit. He kept battling back and kept the pressure on Triple H.

Finally, after the referee had been knocked out, Triple H went to the outside to grab a sledgehammer to put an end to the match. His first attempt to clock the champion was unsuccessful, however his second attempt was not. He nailed Cena right in the head and covered him. Cena however kicked out at 2 1/2. Triple H could not believe it! He tried putting Cena in his "pedigree' finsihing move, but Cena reversed it into a STF submission move.

Triple H battled back and fought hard, but it was no use. Cena would not release the hold. Finally, after not being able to reach the ropes, Triple H tapped out and stunned the sell out crowd!! After their initial shock had worn off, most fans boo ed the champion as he celebrated in the ring.

Cena had retained the title against all odds and made Triple H tap out. It shouldve been a huge moment, but instead the Chicago fans rained boos on him as the show went off the air.
So there it is. All 22 Wrestlemania's for your reading enjoyment! I may touch on the subject of wrestling every now and then. But as far as HUGE multi-part series' are concerned, I think I'll pass! ;-) Til the next time!
send feedback to twominutedrill8@yahoo.com