Hello everyone and welcome back to the drill!! Late start this week, hopefully the trend doesnt continue. Lets get to it shall we?
Oscar Nominations
The nominees for the 78th Annual Academy Awards were announced earlier today (Like WWAAYY early. 5am!!) and "Brokeback Mountain" leads the way with 8 noms including "Best Picture".
8 Nominations
Other films nominated for Best Picture are "Good Night and Good Luck", "Munich", "Capote" and "Crash".
Now I havent seen any of these films, so I cant really comment on them or their merit for belonging on this list. But I have to ask why isnt "King Kong" on this list??!!
Uh-oh. Kong isnt happy with being snubbed! ;-)
"Kong" was such an awesome film (both storywise and visually) and it seems as if the award panels have written it off. Not just them, but the moviegoing public as well, since it has failed to reach box office expectations (As of this writing it has taken in $213 million). Peter Jackson not getting a nod for "Best Director" is a real shame, because he not only updated a classic, he made it better than the original. "King Kong" was nominated for four awards, including "Best Art Direction","Achievement in Sound Editing", "Achievement in Sound Mixing" and "Best Visual Effects" (Which if doesnt win that one, I dont know what to think!)
Another thing I cant believe is that neither "Chicken Little" or "Madagascar" were nominated for "Best Animated Feature Film"
No Oscar nods for either
Although they did nominate "Corpse Bride" so it wasnt a TOTAL loss. ;-)
We'll find out the big winners on March 5th.
Kobe Embarrassed?
Nope, not about the "Colorado Thing". ;-) He says he is now embarrassed by his 81 point performance last week. : "I'm a little bit embarrassed actually," Bryant said after a Lakers' practice Monday. "I think it's exciting for the game and the organization because of all the buzz, but personally it's a little embarrassing."
He went on to say that he would much rather have a game in which he scores only 20 pts and has 10 assists and the rest of his team mates be in "flow" with the offense. "The concept is not about going out there and putting on a show or going out there and scoring points," he said. "It's to win games.
I think all that "Kobe Hating" got to him and he felt he needed to address it. I think its sad that someone can have such an awesome individual performance like Kobe's and then he has to feel bad about it. Give him his props people. Hate the Player, DONT Hate his Game! ;-)
Box Office Report
There are no words to describe this... ;-)
1) Big Momma's House 2, $27.7 million: Damn, shut me up. ;-) I guess people DID want to see another "Big Momma's House" movie. Or there was nothing else showing. ;-) Its 3 day take makes it the highest opening for a January film. I guess we'll see if it has ANY lasting power.
2) Nanny McPhee, $14.5 mil: OK, when I first saw the trailer for this film my first thought was "BOMB". I mean I just didnt see this film appealing to anybody. The title character to me seemed more likely to frighten children than anything else. But yet, here it is opening in second place. I guess the market for "family friendly" is so thin that there really wasnt a choice.
3)Underworld: Evolution, $11.4 mil: Last weeks top film drops two notches. As I stated last week, the original only grossed about $54 million, so anything close to that or above it would satisfy the makers of the film. It has already pulled in $44 million so I'm pretty sure it will make it.
4)Annapolis, $7.6 million: The weeks other big opening finished a distant fourth. I guess there's no market for a non-Spider Man James Franco Movie. ;-)
5)Hoodwinked, $7.4 million: Drops two spots from last week. It isnt going to be a blockbuster by any means, but it should pull a decent profit when it ends its run in a few weeks.
OK, that will do it for this edition. HOPEFULLY I can get my review of the "Superman vs Batman" script up this week. I think you'll find it interesting. Also, I've got news on what happened when John Lasseter (Disney's new creative head) made his first trips to "Walt Disney Feature Animation" and "Walt Disney Imagineering". If you're a fan of Disney, you'll no doubt want to hear what happened.
Til the next time!
Send all comments to: twominutedrill8@yahoo.com